These shoes are specially designed for students, and are my ballet schools recommended shoes. I personally love them, they're comfortable, provide good support and stability and they look good too. They're a dream to dance in!
The shoe has a wide toe box and platform, which provides a lot of stabilty - it allows the "toes to spread" according to the description. The shank is flexible, making allowing the foot to move much more easily, yet still provides adequate support - the description says that "the shank construction encourages the shank to bend at "three quarters"" They take a while to break in, but once they are broken in, they are wonderful. They provide plenty of support even when broken in, and they take longer to wear out than other shoes I have danced in - I have a friend who has been on pointe for two years I think, and she has about 20 pairs of dead shoes. I do five ballet classes a week, and two of those are pointe (one of them is helping out the little kids, but shush, I count it as a class!) and one pair of these shoes will last me about a term.
They aren't the prettiest shoes available, I only wear them for classes not for performance, but they provide so much support that I love them just the same!

Callie xx